Planning to have a wonderful staycation in Astoria Greenbelt, our beautiful Greenbelt hotel in Makati? Why not savor each moment by taking creative pictures of your loved ones? We know how much you want to make your fun-filled memories last forever. However, blurriness, bad lighting, and so many other aspects may get in the way of capturing picture-perfect vacation experiences. No worries! This blog serves as your guide on how to take social media-worthy photos with friends and family. Let us get down to it!
Avoid blurriness.
Having blurry photos is every photographer’s worst nightmare. People will not properly recognize where you are, even if you’re in a luxurious place like our boutique hotel. No one will even notice you were there because your face will also appear unrecognizable.
To refrain from making this mistake, here are the possible solutions. First, clean the camera lens of your phone. It might have been smudged by your fingers. Second, wait until your camera focuses on the subject. There are times when it would take a while for the shot to be cleared, so be patient. Lastly, try not to zoom in too much. Zooming would only increase the chances of the photos being blurry. Making amendments or resizing the pictures is easier to do by cropping your wide or long shot photos than taking the photos all over again.

Check the lighting.
As you take pictures in our hotel in Makati, you must also check if the lighting for the photo is perfect. Make sure the light is not pointing in front or at the sides of your camera lens. It will diminish the quality. The light should always come from the back of the camera or be pointed toward the subject or model. If you are shooting outside, search for the right area wherein the sun is not directly shining on your lens. Even if you are a professional photographer or are adept in photo editing, it is best to play it safe and have the best light source for your subject.

Use props for creativity.
How about you add a little flare by using props for your shots? Hold a bouquet of flowers to show the power of gratitude or balloons as a sign of celebrating a special occasion, raise a wine glass to display elegance, or show off the deliciously prepared meals by our staff in Tableau. Here at Astoria Greenbelt, we provide our guests with colorful and witty handheld props, so you don’t have to worry! Incorporating decorations for your photos is always the best idea!

Look for aesthetic backdrops.
Backgrounds play an integral role in the photo, especially now that we are in the digital age. Make sure to look for a background that is pleasing to the eyes. You may keep it simple or grandiose depending on the occasion or your needs. In our Makati hotel, you will find all sorts of our simple yet creative backdrops like the wall writings in your room or along the hallway, the staircase, the glass window, the dining area, our lobby.

Try it yourself! Come over and test your photography skills as you enjoy your relaxing stay in Astoria Greenbelt! For more info, check out our website at, or give us a call at (+63 2) 8550–1111 and (+63) 919-911-3946. You may also email us at
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What are you waiting for? Your staycation awaits!